Artist statement
Functional objects are keeping the images of ourselves as users of them and humans. A drinking glass has been shaped out from the need to grasp and lift it, from the shape of our mouths as well as from the amount of fluid we drink in one moment. The glass has, in this perspective, a direct relationship to our body and its´ proportions. But this glass has also in a recurrent and widespread use been loaded with more metaphorical and, on another level, emotional meanings.
All this use, going on in everyone's daily life, and so has done since the appearence of the first artefacts, has also loaded them with our ideas about them. The functional objects thus carries the traces of human identity that we might only see there. In everyday use, something going on in everyones daily life, these values are developed and give us back the image of ourselves. When we drink, we make it from one vessel and let the liquid beeing transported to a another - ourselves. An event in silence, where the glass included in this gives us the liquid which, with its cool, is drawing the the internal image of ourselves. In my work I`m trying to reveal those layers of everyday life use in purpose to show upon something which is otherwise hidden under a blanket of daily habitual actions.
I have in my work, as a silversmith, found an amount of different values in everyday use and the actions included in this. The kind of values I want to show upon is something constructing an inner structure of everyones daily life even though the user can vary depending on class, gender, culture, age, etc. What I`m trying to describe is something that everyone is aware of even if we´re not mentioning it or give it no space in a time when the consumption of the thing is given a value greater than the using of it.
My belief is that in the everyday is stories created about us, which may not always be possible, or for that matter necessary, to put into words, but which could give us something if we were present in our actions and not just saw them as a transport into the next phase of the day.
My work deals with issues such as those out from those I´m describing a situation where user, room and object are elements in a story that hopefully can say something significant about our time.
Anders Ljungberg
89-94 National college of arts and Design Konstfack, Stockholm. Metal Department
88-89 Nyckelviksskolan
Selected collective exhibitions
-24 Silver Lining. Galerie Specta . Copenhagen. Curator Anette Dam
-24 Silver Lining . Stadsmuseet Stockholm. Sthlm Craft week. Curator Annette Dam
-23 Auf Abwegen – Schmuck und Gerät am Rande der Vernunft. Schmuckmuseum , Pforzheim (oct. 23)
-23 Design Miami. With Ornamentum, Galllery (Dec 23)
-22 Ornamentum 20 years anniversary. Ornamentum gallery. Hudson
-22 Studio Talks, the 5th wall. Galleri Platina, Stockholm
-22 Can you hear me? Galley FAB, Tirana
-22 Ornamentum 20 years anniversary. Ornamentum gallery. Hudson, New York
-22 Extended Family. Initiated by HDK Steneby. Munich Jewllery week.
-21 Design Miami with Ornamentum Gallery
-21 Salon art and design fair. New York with Ornamentum gallery
-20 Up in smoke, Ornamentum Gallery, Design Miami
-19 Moonlike. Gallery So, London
-19 Marzee 40 years anniversary. Nijmegen, Netherlands
-12-15 Collect, London. galerie Marzee och Galerie Rose-
Marie Jäger
-15 Ten years with silver. Galleri Montan. Copenhagen
-15 Body Alchemy – the Hangzhou Contemporary
International Jewelry and Metal Art
-15 Crafted. Objects - in Flux. Museum of fine arts. Boston
-14 Attention Craft. Liljevalchs konsthall. Stockholm
-14 Taste contemporary craft. Geneva. Switzerland
-13 Keeping up with the times. Galerie Rose Marie Jäger.
-13 Beijing International Contemporary Metal Art
-13 Nutida Svenskt Silver 50 years anniversary at
Hallwylska museum, Stockholm (as artist+curator)
-12 8 from Sweden. Galleri Montan. Copenhagen, Danmark
-12 Anniversary exhibition 10 years. Nääs Konsthantverk
-12 Schonhooven silver award 2012. Netherlands
-12 Mirrors and candles. Galerie Sophie Lachaert. Belgium
-11 Swedish Contemporary Craft art. Seoul national cultural centre, Korea
-11 Design & Konsthantverkbiennal, Kolding 2011 (special invited)
-10 Galleri Montan, Kander. Copenhagen
-09 Kulturhuset Stockholm Sakernas tillstånd.
-08 Flow Gallery. London. Just Swedish
-08 Gravity. Gustavsbergs Konsthall.
-07 Func art. Gallery Drud & Koppe, Copenhagen.
-06-08 Silber triennale, Germany
-05 Gallery Norsu, Lysande. Helsinki.
-05 National museum, Stockholm. Konceptdesign
-04 Crafts council London.Beauty and the beast
-04 London museum. Designed in Sweden, London
Solo exhibitions
-24 Objects and Jewellery Galerie Marzee. Nijmegen. Netherlands
-22 Distinktioner. Galleri Sebastian Schildt. Stockholm
-19 Distinctions.Galerie Marzee. Nijmegen, Netherlands
-17 Mellanting, Konsthantverkarna, Stockholm
-15 What is not. Galerie Rose-Marie Jäger. Germany (with David Clarke)
-12 Orna Mental.Galerie Marzee: Nijmegen, Netherlands.
-11 Orna Mental. Nutida Svenskt Silver, Stockholm
-09 Trans Form Nääs konsthatverk, Nääs
-08 Trans Form. Nutida Svenskt Silver. Stockholm
-08 Transform, Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen, Netherlands
-06 Positioner. Nutida Svenskt silver, Stockholm
-05 Objects Gallerie Marzee, Nijmegen, Netherlands
-03 Formuleringar . Nutida svenskt Silver, Stockholm
-00 Saker. Nutida svenskt Silver, Stockholm
-00 In absence of a body. Nutida svenskt Silver, Stockholm
-98 Corpus. Nutida svenskt Silver, Stockholm
-96 Jewellery objects. Galleri Metallum, Stockholm
-National museum, Oslo
-Marzee collection. Nijmegen, Nethehrlands
-Röhsska museet, Gothenburg
-National museum, Stockholm
-Engelbrecktskyrkan, Stockholm
-Nordiska Museet, Stockholm
-HKH Konung Carl XVI Gustav (Royal collection Stockholm)
Grants and prices
-10 Konstnärsnämnden. 2 years grant
-05 Konstnarsnamnden. 2 years grant
-03 Landstingets Kulturstipendium
-03 Marianne och Sigvard Bernadottes kulturstipendium
-00 Bengt Juhlins Konsthantverksstipendium
-99 Konstnarsnamnden. 1 year grant
Differents projects for Boda nova / Iittala, Belysningsbolaget, Nola , Skultuna, Gense, Ikea
Publications/Artistic research
-03 Formuleringar – människan, rummet,tingen: Carlssons. Stockholm
-09 Det emotionella brukandet. Ku-projekt. Konstfack
-15 Re-Public jewellery. Oslo national academy of the arts
-18 MATERIAL PERCEPTIONS, Documents on Contemporary Crafts No. 5. , Norwegian crafts (Arnoldsche)
16- Professor at Konstfack, CRAFT!/Jewellery and Corpus, Stockholm
14-16 Professor and head of department. Oslo national academy of the arts, metal and jewellery art, Oslo
00-10 Senior Lecturer in Corpus at National college of art and design,Konstfack, Ädellab
95- Lecturer in different occations in Sweden and abroad (USA, SouthKorea, China, England, Germany,
Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Belgium …)
-06 Guest Professor. Rhode Island School of art. Winter session.
00-14 Guest teacher at Beckmans School of design,HDK (Stenebyskolan), Konstfack (metal + Cheramic and
06-22 Opponent at Beckmans school of design, Konstfack (Ädellab) and HDK (Steneby järn och stål), HDK
jewellery and objects
Expert advisor/Jury
- 23 Jury member, Amberif design award
- 22 Jury member, Amberif design award
- 20 Jury member, Francoise van den Bosch award
- 20 Jury member , Design S
-18 Jury member , Design S
18 - Board member THE SWEDISH CRAFTS CENTRE, Konsthantvekcentrum
-13 Beijing International Contemporary Metal Art Exhibition. Jury
10-15 Expert advisor in employments at Konstfack(-15) och HDK, Göteborg (-09) and
Stenebyskolan (-14) , National academy of art, Oslo (-22)
09-14 Granskningsrådet Nutida Svenskt Silver
10- Application board KIF (asscociation for industrial design and Craft. Sweden)
-09 Biennalen for Kunsthåndværk og Design 2009. Kolding. Censor/Jury
02-04 Expert advisor, Konstnarsnamnden 02-04
05-06 Expert advisor Cultural board Stockholms stad. Stockholm